Frank Julie & Associates: Consultants - Advisors - Strategists - Facilitators
Latest article: Networking by design not by default!
Frank Julie's background
In-house workshops
Special benefits to clients
Training methodology
Workshop contents
Leadership and Management of NPOs
Professional fundraising: Principles & Practices
How to write the winning proposal
How to get your Board on board
Strategic planning
Personal leadership and life management
Effective money management
Marketing & Media for NPOs
Financial Management for Non-profits
Effective Networking for Sustainability
Professional Job Seeking Skills
Books by Frank Julie
The Art of Leadership & Management on the ground
Introduction to the book
Foreword by Professor Linda Cooper
Resources & Links
Management articles
Clients served
Feedback from clients
Donor Resources
Children, HIV & AIDS focus
South African
Youth Development focus
Project: Leader to Leader - Leading from where you are!
Workshop pictures
The myth of academic based leadership training
13 steps to develop a NGO financial sustainability strategy
18 ideas to avoid a funding crisis
13 Less known habits of highly effective leaders
YoungPeople@Work Volunteer Project
Train-the-Trainer Course
Contact details
International donors:
Please conduct a
Google search
to get contact details.
Austrian Consulate
Action Aid (England)
Bill Gates Foundation (USA) (HIV/Aids)
Bread for the World (Germany)
Canadian High Commission
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency)
Cordaid (Netherlands)
DIFD (England) Department of International Fund Development (capacity building, entrepreneurship, effective governance, economic development, etc.)
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienste (EED) (Germany)
Fonds Ontwikkeling Samewerking (FOS)
Heinrich Boll Stiftung (Germany)
Humanistic Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS) (Netherlands)
Ibis (Sweden)
Levi Straus Foundation (youth development)
NOVIB (Oxfam Netherlands)
SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) (focus on municipalities/local government)
Swedish Mission Council
United States Agency for International Development (governance, etc.)
War on Want/Comic Relief
WK Kellogg Foundation (health and youth development)
Womankind Worldwide