Frank Julie & Associates: Consultants - Advisors - Strategists - Facilitators
Latest article: Networking by design not by default!
Frank Julie's background
In-house workshops
Special benefits to clients
Training methodology
Workshop contents
Leadership and Management of NPOs
Professional fundraising: Principles & Practices
How to write the winning proposal
How to get your Board on board
Strategic planning
Personal leadership and life management
Effective money management
Marketing & Media for NPOs
Financial Management for Non-profits
Effective Networking for Sustainability
Professional Job Seeking Skills
Books by Frank Julie
The Art of Leadership & Management on the ground
Introduction to the book
Foreword by Professor Linda Cooper
Resources & Links
Management articles
Clients served
Feedback from clients
Donor Resources
Children, HIV & AIDS focus
South African
Youth Development focus
Project: Leader to Leader - Leading from where you are!
Workshop pictures
The myth of academic based leadership training
13 steps to develop a NGO financial sustainability strategy
18 ideas to avoid a funding crisis
13 Less known habits of highly effective leaders
YoungPeople@Work Volunteer Project
Train-the-Trainer Course
Contact details
How to write the winning proposal:
The cover letter.
Understanding your need and developing a problem statement.
Understanding your uniqueness as an organisation.
Benefits to your beneficiaries and donors.
Your operational plan – how will you intervene.
Your personnel – what donors expect.
Monitoring and evaluation of projects – what donors want to know.
Developing a budget.
How and where to find the right donor.
Managing funding gaps effectively.
Reporting to donors - do’s and don’ts.
The funding enquiry – accessing donor information quickly.
Good and bad donors.
Good and bad recipients of funds.
Sustainability strategies for your NGO – Developing a resource mobilisation action plan.